Re-Discover Yourself
Hope & Help offers Support Groups for everyone. The Support Groups provide a safe, confidential, and encouraging environment for group members to share their stories, testimonies, and triumphs.
Each group is designed to help Group Members create a strong support network, understand medical treatment options, and better shape their journey to optimum health and wellness. All Groups are free of cost, provide a complimentary meal during each
meeting, and are held at right here at Hope & Help.
If you need help getting to and from any Support Group meeting, ask your Group Leader about Hope & Help’s free transportation assistance!
Reinforce and Increase Women’s Strength Through Empowerment
RISE is an inspirational group for women living with HIV to share and learn about the journey to self-awareness, the stages of inner healing, discovering independence, and defining their own womanhood.
Rise meets monthly on the last Tuesday from 6 pm to 8 pm.
RESTART is a warm, welcoming space for men who have sex with men and are living with HIV and their support systems. This monthly group of longer-term survivors focuses on combatting isolationism and creating conversations around living with HIV.
RESTART meets the third Wednesday monthly from 6 pm to 8 pm.
EMPIRE is an 8-week cohort and support group for heterosexual adults living with HIV. Help us create a community of ambassadors empowered to navigate difficult conversations, educate with compassion, and end HIV stigma.
EMPIRE meets on Thursdays from 6 pm to 8 pm.
We Can Help!
Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry call us.